2023 CISRS Training Courses
2023.11.17, Tianjin Binhai Hi-Tech Industrial Development Area. Recently, The Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC)The Construction Industry Scaffolders Record Scheme (CISRS)inWenma Forming and Shoring Co.,Ltd.(“the company”) vocational skills and safety training center successfully concluded.
The training by the CISRS senior training instructor Michael Crook,Meledath Veedu Dinesan and Wenma safety director Guo Liangliang three lecturers, more than 60 people to participate in the training.

As the only CISRS authorized company in China by the The Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Centre (NASC) , Wenma successfully completed the CISRS technical skills and safety training assessment, and Guo Liangliang, Director of safety quality of Wenma, sent a message to students: Expect everyone to learn, learn to succeed, learn to use, The best practices can take root in their careers, can contribute to China’s scaffolding industry, and can contribute to domestic safety management!